Teaching Population Distribution in Europe
Population Distribution in Europe can be so tricky to teach!
Teaching factors that affect where people live can be difficult! One way to help your kiddos grasp it is by comparing and analyzing maps. You can display a population density map alongside a climate or distribution of natural resources map. Working with this combo can really help your students to visualize that climate and natural resources have an impact on where people live.
Below is a climate map I found that can be really helpful. While students do not need to know the specifics in all the different types of climates listed, they should be able to visualize which climates are more unfavorable (those in the dark blue in northern Russia). They should then be able to compare this to the population distribution map, also linked below. Students should be able to note the similarities
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Tips for Map Activities
Here are some prompts I like to use for discussion about population distribution while using maps.
Another tip is to use a good old graphic organizer! Below is a sample of a generic graphic organizer I like to use for population distribution.
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