End-of-Year Teacher Checklist
The end of the school year can be super stressful, but also super exciting. Freedom is so close! Haha! I know you’re imagining yourself frolicking through the sunflowers like this lady…
Before you start frolicking, let’s set you up for success in August now with these end-of-year tips for teachers!
Start organizing (and purging): I know this is obvious, but I can’t “not” include it. Do your best to really organize to set yourself up for the beginning of the year.
Test and toss markers, highlighters, etc.
Toss random copies you don’t need.
Take inventory and label of all your big items (and really important items) if your school moves everything out of your room during the summer.
Take down and put away classroom decor, if you’re changhing themes for next year.
Review data (that you have) and make notes for next year. This is a great task to do with your content team! Look at your year’s data and make notes for changes you need to make next year. Do not wait until July or August to do this! The data is fresh in your mind right now, so you will be more efficient and more effective if you do this process now instead of later. For help reviewing your data, read this blog post.
Oragnize your Google Drive and your Gmail.
Give a home to all of those homeless files your Drive (don’t worry about the “shared with me” files).
Rename files with easy-to-search titles
Share items with your team, if needed
Clean out your email inbox
Add label or filters that you might need for next year
Make a list of books that you want to add to your classroom library. If you do novel studies throughout the year, you could go ahead and bring home (or research) a new book to read over the summer.
Make your beginning-of-year checklist. You don’t have to check anything off yet! It’s a great idea, while your mind is still somewhat fresh (tired, I know), to go ahead and create a list of things to remember on your first week back from Summer Break. Leave room to add to this list upon your return, but this will be a great way to bring your mind back into focus!
Free Checklist
Use at the end of the school year to remember all the things!