5 Resources Every Georgia Social Studies Teacher Needs
I’ve some resources you need to go ahead and bookmark right now! I mean it. bookmark them all before you leave this page! But wait, make sure you’re bookmarking the right grade level. I’m linking different grades’ resources in this post, but I’ll link each grade levels’ resource homepage at the very bottom of the post to get you started!
GSE Teacher Notes
I’m sure you know about the Teacher Notes GaDOE provides, but if you don’t, you SHOULD! Seriously, this is good stuff! I’ll link the one for 6th Grade Social Studies, but you can find your grade level’s page and it’s right at the top!
GaDOE YouTube Channel
Did you know that GaDOE Social Studies Department has its own YouTube channel?! It’s great! They have playlists for each grade level. Now, they don’t have a video for everything. You’ll need to go through and note which standard has a video. These are even great for a little teacher-refresh the week before teaching the content…no judgement, I promise!
The Playlists tab has videos for every content in varying grade levels. You’ll have to scroll around to find your grade’s social studies playlist. That’s the one you need to bookmark!
GaDOE Source Sets
I have to admit, I didn’t really see the value in the source sets listed on the GaDOE page. However, I have since come to see how much time this saves! Need maps? Check the source set. Need primary source images? Check the source set. Need political cartoons? Check the source set. See where I’m going here? Now, I think the PowerPoint files are pretty basic, which is fine. You know I’m extra, so I’d pull the images and put them into whatever I’m using for the classroom. Still, it’s a big timesaver!
Go to your grade level’s resource page and scroll down until you see, “Sample Units”. The Source Sets are the second PPT linked.
GaDOE Student Dictionary Video Series
This is a new discovery for me - student dictionary video series. This is great! They are short, simple 2-3 minute videos explaining a key component of a standard. Like the YouTube videos, there isn’t one for every standard, so you’ll need to peruse through and note which videos you’ll want to come back to.
GaDOE Distance Learning Plans
Ok guys, these are new (as I’m writing this blog post in 2021). These are slim pickin’s, but they’re good. I’ll admit, when I first open the file, I’m overwhelmed. Don’t open this before you’ve had your coffee. Trust me. It’s good stuff, though. Drink your Starbucks (or two) and come back to it - it’s worth it.
Go to your grade level’s resource page and scroll ALL. THE. WAY. DOWN.
Direct Links to Grade Level Resources
Nonfiction Reading Packets
Cover EVERY. SINGLE. STANDARD. Grab this bundle and feel confident that you have an entire reading passage and worksheet packet for your whole year!
Assessment Packets
Assess every single standard with this bundle - print and digital versions included!
Grab my FREE guide!
Stop neglecting social studies with these easy to use strategies! Teach social studies, even when you don’t have time!